Long since the league was first announced, we finally have a matchday - albeit a pre-season friendly one. No matter, with the fixtures outlined here, and full outline of the rules to come, we can now start.

The matches will be broadcast tonight (1/6/2020) at 20:00CET on our Facebook Page. It is merely a friendly appetite-whetter and there is no deadline for entry to the League of Blogacta proper - mid-season entries are also fine. We use a ladder system with mid-table joining, and if you're already involved and want to change your kit, just reupload to the gallery - or upload for the first time if you're signing up.

You can find the draw for the friendly fixtures, which was conducted several weeks ago, here, and the draw for Matchday 1 will not take place before Monday 8th June, so plenty of time to sign up or update kits and details.

See you later for the matches (listed below)!


Red Star Liverpool v Pascal Hugo

Aslant on Bent Seas v LOIrelandArt

Squadsnos v Metod Sports

Echoes of Glory v FILWAG

Silky Smooth v Lush Green Pixels

MuseumofJerseys v ElWriteBack

Llanddudno Jet Set v Kitbliss

Dashed Lines v Hope Kit Design

International Rugby Shirts v DAKFC

Edit: The matchday video - with extra League of Blogacta info therein - can be found here, but if you just want the results, see below:

Red Star Liverpool 1-1 Pascal Hugo
Aslant on Bent Seas 1-2 Morganobrienart / LOIrelandArt
squadnumbers.com 3-2 Metod Sports
Echoes of Glory 3-2 fellinlovewithagirl.libsyn.com
Silky Smooth 2-2 Lush Green Pixels
museumofjerseys.com 4-0 ElWriteBack
Llandudno Jet Set 3-2 Kitbliss
Dashed Lines 4-3 hopekitdesign
internationalrugbyshirts.com 1-2 DAKblog / Dak FC

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